What Forcing Fields has MARBL Requested?

This similar to the question What Tracer Tendencies will MARBL Compute?, and so it should not be a surprise that the answer is also very similar. MARBL provides a stand-alone test in $MARBL/tests/regression_tests/requested_forcing as an example of how the MARBL library passes information to the GCM.

$ ./requested_forcings.py

Provides a list of the forcing fields requested with the default MARBL configuration.

Requested surface forcing fields

1. u10_sqr (units: cm^2/s^2)
2. sss (units: psu)
3. sst (units: degC)
4. Ice Fraction (units: unitless)
5. Dust Flux (units: g/cm^2/s)
6. Iron Flux (units: nmol/cm^2/s)
7. NOx Flux (units: nmol/cm^2/s)
8. NHy Flux (units: nmol/cm^2/s)
9. Atmospheric Pressure (units: atmospheres)
10. xco2 (units: ppmv)
11. xco2_alt_co2 (units: ppmv)

Requested interior forcing fields

1. Dust Flux (units: g/cm^2/s)
2. Surface Shortwave (units: W/m^2)
3. Potential Temperature (units: degC)
4. Salinity (units: psu)
5. Pressure (units: bars)
6. Iron Sediment Flux (units: nmol/cm^2/s)

Forcing Field Metadata Available from the MARBL Interface

The details are found in $MARBL/tests/driver_src/marbl.F90:

! Log requested surface forcing fields
call driver_status_log%log_header('Requested surface forcing fields', subname)
do n=1,size(marbl_instance%surface_input_forcings)
  write(log_message, "(I0, 5A)") n, '. ', &
        trim(marbl_instance%surface_input_forcings(n)%metadata%varname), &
        ' (units: ', trim(marbl_instance%surface_input_forcings(n)%metadata%field_units),')'
  call driver_status_log%log_noerror(log_message, subname)
end do
! Log requested interior forcing fields
call driver_status_log%log_header('Requested interior forcing fields', subname)
do n=1,size(marbl_instance%interior_input_forcings)
  write(log_message, "(I0, 5A)") n, '. ',                               &
       trim(marbl_instance%interior_input_forcings(n)%metadata%varname), &
       ' (units: ', trim(marbl_instance%interior_input_forcings(n)%metadata%field_units),')'
  call driver_status_log%log_noerror(log_message, subname)
end do

The marbl_interface_class contains two objects (surface_input_forcings and interior_input_forcings) that are arrays with dimension equal to the number of surface and interior forcing fields, respectively. Both are of type marbl_forcing_fields_type, and contain the metadata object. The marbl_forcing_fields_metadata_type contains metadata for each tracer:

type :: marbl_forcing_fields_metadata_type
   ! Contains variable names and units for required forcing fields as well as
   ! dimensional information; actual forcing data is in array of
   ! marbl_forcing_fields_type
   character(len=char_len) :: varname
   character(len=char_len) :: field_units
   integer                 :: rank            ! 0d or 1d
   integer,  allocatable   :: extent(:)       ! length = rank
end type marbl_forcing_fields_metadata_type

The varnames member of this data type is the only unique identifier provided.

Example: Accessing Forcing Field Metadata in POP

Details are on the implementation page