Compute Surface Fluxes

set_surface_forcing() computes surface fluxes (and related diagnostics) over a 1D array of grid cells. The array is assumed to be length num_surface_forcing_elements, per The init() interface. The stand-alone test suite does not yet call this routine, so examples come from the POP driver. The call to the routine is straightforward:

call marbl_instances(iblock)%set_surface_forcing()

The details are in the surrounding calls.

What MARBL needs prior to calling set_surface_forcing

The GCM needs to make sure the MARBL instance has all the data it needs to compute surface fluxes correctly. Specifically, it needs to do the following.

Step 1. Set global scalars

Currently, there are no global scalars that need to be set for this stage. To prepare for future updates where that is no longer the case, it is recommended that the GCM calls

call marbl_instances(iblock)%set_global_scalars('surface')

Step 2. Copy data into MARBL

In POP, 2D (nx_block, ny_block) data is reshaped into an array of length num_surface_forcing_elements = nx_block*ny_block. Data for surface_input_forcings, surface_vals (tracer values at the surface), and saved state (MARBL data from previous time step) are all copied in.

! Copy data from slab data structure to column input for marbl

do j = 1, ny_block
   do i = 1,nx_block
      index_marbl = i + (j-1)*nx_block

      do n = 1,size(surface_forcing_fields)
         marbl_instances(iblock)%surface_input_forcings(n)%field_0d(index_marbl) = &
      end do

      do n = 1,ecosys_tracer_cnt
         marbl_instances(iblock)%surface_vals(index_marbl,n) = &
              p5*(surface_vals_old(i,j,n,iblock) + surface_vals_cur(i,j,n,iblock))

      end do

      do n=1,size(saved_state_surf)
        marbl_instances(iblock)%surface_saved_state%state(n)%field_2d(index_marbl) = &
      end do

   end do
end do

What the GCM needs after MARBL returns

MARBL returns surface fluxes (and any requested surface forcing fields) for all the columns, and they need to be stored in the GCM. Additionally, saved state needs to be saved so it is available in the next time step and any fields that are globally averaged also need to be stored. Lastly, MARBL will return values for fields that need to be globally averaged.

! Copy data from marbl output column to pop slab data structure

do index_marbl = 1, marbl_col_cnt(iblock)
   i = marbl_col_to_pop_i(index_marbl,iblock)
   j = marbl_col_to_pop_j(index_marbl,iblock)

   do n=1,size(saved_state_surf)
     saved_state_surf(n)%field_2d(i,j,iblock) = &
   end do

   do n=1,sfo_cnt
     surface_forcing_outputs(i,j,n,iblock) = &
   end do

  ! before copying surface fluxes, check to see if any are NaNs

  if (any(shr_infnan_isnan(marbl_instances(iblock)%surface_tracer_fluxes(index_marbl,:)))) then
    write(stdout, *) subname, ': NaN in stf_module, (i,j)=(', &
       this_block%i_glob(i), ',', this_block%j_glob(j), ')'
    write(stdout, *) '(lon,lat)=(', TLOND(i,j,iblock), ',', TLATD(i,j,iblock), ')'
    do n = 1, ecosys_tracer_cnt
       write(stdout, *) trim(marbl_instances(1)%tracer_metadata(n)%short_name), ' ', &
          marbl_instances(iblock)%surface_vals(index_marbl,n), ' ', &
    end do
    do n = 1, size(surface_forcing_fields)
       associate (forcing_field => surface_forcing_fields(n))
          write(stdout, *) trim(forcing_field%metadata%marbl_varname)
          if (forcing_field%rank == 2) then
             write(stdout, *) forcing_field%field_0d(i,j,iblock)
             write(stdout, *) forcing_field%field_1d(i,j,:,iblock)
          end if
       end associate
    end do
    call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Stopping in ' // subname)
  end if

  do n = 1,ecosys_tracer_cnt
    stf_module(i,j,n) = &
  end do

  do n=1,size(marbl_instances(1)%surface_forcing_diags%diags)
    surface_forcing_diags(i,j,n,iblock) = &
  end do

  ! copy values to be used in computing requested global averages
  ! arrays have zero extent if none are requested
  glo_avg_fields_surface(i,j,iblock,:) = marbl_instances(iblock)%glo_avg_fields_surface(index_marbl,:)
end do