POP Interacting with MARBL Tracers

POP will read the initial state for each tracers and store the data in a global array (dimensions nx by ny by nz by n_tracers). To know what tracer to read into each n_tracers index, POP copies the information from marbl_instace%tracer_metadata to a local type during initialization. The data type is defined as

type :: tracer_field
   character(char_len) :: short_name
   character(char_len) :: long_name
   character(char_len) :: units
   character(char_len) :: tend_units
   character(char_len) :: flux_units
   real(r8)            :: scale_factor
   logical :: lfull_depth_tavg
end type

An array of the above type is then populated; note that MARBL expects the GCM to apply any necessary scale factor so the POP datatype is set to 1.

! Initialize tracer_d_module input argument (needed before reading
! tracers from restart file)
do n = 1, ecosys_tracer_cnt
   tracer_d_module(n)%short_name       = marbl_instances(1)%tracer_metadata(n)%short_name
   tracer_d_module(n)%long_name        = marbl_instances(1)%tracer_metadata(n)%long_name
   tracer_d_module(n)%units            = marbl_instances(1)%tracer_metadata(n)%units
   tracer_d_module(n)%tend_units       = marbl_instances(1)%tracer_metadata(n)%tend_units
   tracer_d_module(n)%flux_units       = marbl_instances(1)%tracer_metadata(n)%flux_units
   tracer_d_module(n)%lfull_depth_tavg = marbl_instances(1)%tracer_metadata(n)%lfull_depth_tavg
   tracer_d_module(n)%scale_factor     = c1
end do

POP combines the tracer_d_module object with information regarding what files contain tracer initial conditions (and what the netCDF variable name corresponds to each tracer) to properly initialize each tracer.

Reading Tracer Initial Conditions

All tracer initial conditions are read from a file. If the run is a continuation run, the initial tracer values are found in a restart file. Otherwise they are read from an initial condition.

POP has a specific data type to manage the metadata of a tracer it is reading from a file.

!  derived type for reading tracers from a file

type, public :: tracer_read
   character(char_len) :: mod_varname, filename, file_varname, file_fmt
   real(r8) :: scale_factor, default_val
end type

Metadata such as the tracer name and the name of the tracer as it appears in the file is copied from tracer_d_module into tracer_inputs (an array of type tracer_read). The rest of tracer_inputs (file name, file format, etc) is also set and then each tracer state is read into the correct index of the tracer array by looping over tracer_inputs.