Coding conventions in MARBL

MARBL is written in Fortran. A few constructs commonly used in MARBL may be unfamiliar to scientific programmers.

Object-oriented programming features

Object-oriented programming constructs permit the definition of classes that both contain data and methods which can perform operations on that data.

Example of an Object-oriented Class

The class used to time blocks of code inside MARBL, marbl_internal_timers_type, is object-oriented:

! Internal timer types

type :: marbl_single_timer_type
  character(char_len) :: name
  logical             :: is_running
  logical             :: is_threaded
  real(r8)            :: cur_start
  real(r8)            :: cumulative_runtime
  procedure :: init => init_single_timer
end type marbl_single_timer_type

type, public :: marbl_internal_timers_type
  integer :: num_timers
  type(marbl_single_timer_type), allocatable :: individual_timers(:)
  procedure :: add => add_new_timer
  procedure :: start => start_timer
  procedure :: stop => stop_timer
  procedure :: extract => extract_timer_data
  procedure :: setup => setup_timers
  procedure :: reset => reset_timers
  procedure :: shutdown => shutdown_timers
end type marbl_internal_timers_type

This type includes several methods, such as the start() routine, referenced to the subroutine start_timer.

How to Call an Object-oriented Subroutine

A subroutine inside a class is referenced just like any other member, via the % character. For example, MARBL times the call to the subroutine marbl_compute_carbonate_chemistry() from the subroutine marbl_set_interior_forcing() (part of marbl_mod.F90). The timer calls look like this:

subroutine marbl_set_interior_forcing( &
  type    (marbl_internal_timers_type)        , intent(inout) :: marbl_timers
  call marbl_timers%start(marbl_timer_indices%carbonate_chem_id,            &
  call marbl_compute_carbonate_chemistry(domain, temperature, pressure,     &
       salinity, tracer_local(:, :), marbl_tracer_indices, carbonate(:),    &
       ph_prev_col(:), ph_prev_alt_co2_col(:), zsat_calcite(:),             &
       zsat_aragonite(:), marbl_status_log)
  call marbl_timers%stop(marbl_timer_indices%carbonate_chem_id,             &

Example of a Subroutine Inside an Object-oriented Class

The subroutine header looks like this:

subroutine start_timer(self, id, marbl_status_log)

  class(marbl_internal_timers_type), intent(inout) :: self
  integer,                           intent(in)    :: id
  type(marbl_log_type),              intent(inout) :: marbl_status_log


end subroutine start_timer

One key thing to note here is the use of self, the first argument to the subroutine. In this case, self stands for the particular instance of an object of type marbl_internal_timers_type. The subroutine is actually part of this object, which lets it access members of the class without explicitly passing them through the interface. So this subroutine can change members of self%individual_timers(:) (e.g. individual_timers(:)%cur_start).

Associate construct

The associate construct allows complex variables or expression to be denoted by a simple name or “alias.” The association between the name and the underlying variable is terminated at the end of the associate block.

If we look closer at the start_timer routine, we see an example:

associate(timer => self%individual_timers(id))
  if (timer%is_running) then
    log_message = 'Timer has already been started!'
    call marbl_status_log%log_error(log_message, subname)
  end if

  timer%is_running = .true.
  timer%cur_start = get_time()
 end associate

In this case, timer replaces all instances of the more complicated expression self%individual_timers(id). The assocation is terminated at end associate.