Case Overview

Catalog Visualization

import pandas as pd
from graphviz import Digraph
from config import analysis_config

df = pd.read_csv(analysis_config['catalog_csv'])
# Create Digraph object - use the left to right orientation instead of vertical
dot = Digraph(graph_attr={'rankdir': 'LR'})

# Save the catalog as a pdf
dot.format = 'pdf'

# Start counting at one for node numbers
num_node = 1

# Loop through the different cases
for case in
    case_i = num_node
    dot.node(str(case_i), label=case)
    num_node += 1

    # Loop through the different components in each case
    for component in df.loc[ == case].component.unique():
        comp_i = num_node
        dot.node(str(comp_i), label=component)
        dot.edge(str(case_i), str(comp_i))
        num_node += 1

        # Loop through the frequency in each component within each experiment
        for frequency in df.loc[( == case) & (df.component == component)].frequency.unique():
            freq_i = num_node

            # Pull out the the stream information
            stream = df.loc[
                ( == case) & (df.component == component) & (df.frequency == frequency)

            # Add both stream and frequency information to these bubbles
            dot.node(str(freq_i), label=f'stream: {stream} \n frequency: {frequency}')
            dot.edge(str(comp_i), str(freq_i))
            num_node += 1
        comp_i += 1
    case_i += 1

Catalog Table

component stream date case member_id frequency variables path
0 ocn pop.h 0001-01 b1850.f19_g17.validation_mct.002 2 month_1 ['UVEL', 'UVEL2', 'VVEL', 'VVEL2', 'TEMP', 'dT... /glade/scratch/hannay/archive/
1 ocn pop.h 0001-02 b1850.f19_g17.validation_mct.002 2 month_1 ['UVEL', 'UVEL2', 'VVEL', 'VVEL2', 'TEMP', 'dT... /glade/scratch/hannay/archive/
2 ocn pop.h 0001-03 b1850.f19_g17.validation_mct.002 2 month_1 ['UVEL', 'UVEL2', 'VVEL', 'VVEL2', 'TEMP', 'dT... /glade/scratch/hannay/archive/
3 ocn pop.h 0001-04 b1850.f19_g17.validation_mct.002 2 month_1 ['UVEL', 'UVEL2', 'VVEL', 'VVEL2', 'TEMP', 'dT... /glade/scratch/hannay/archive/
4 ocn pop.h 0001-05 b1850.f19_g17.validation_mct.002 2 month_1 ['UVEL', 'UVEL2', 'VVEL', 'VVEL2', 'TEMP', 'dT... /glade/scratch/hannay/archive/
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
11098 ocn pop.h.nday1 0100-09-01 b1850.f19_g17.validation_nuopc.004 4 day_1 ['SST', 'SST2', 'SSS', 'HMXL_DR_2', 'XMXL_2'] /glade/scratch/hannay/archive/
11099 ocn pop.h.nday1 0100-10-01 b1850.f19_g17.validation_nuopc.004 4 day_1 ['SST', 'SST2', 'SSS', 'HMXL_DR_2', 'XMXL_2'] /glade/scratch/hannay/archive/
11100 ocn pop.h.nday1 0100-11-01 b1850.f19_g17.validation_nuopc.004 4 day_1 ['SST', 'SST2', 'SSS', 'HMXL_DR_2', 'XMXL_2'] /glade/scratch/hannay/archive/
11101 ocn pop.h.nday1 0100-12-01 b1850.f19_g17.validation_nuopc.004 4 day_1 ['SST', 'SST2', 'SSS', 'HMXL_DR_2', 'XMXL_2'] /glade/scratch/hannay/archive/
11102 ocn pop.h once b1850.f19_g17.validation_nuopc.004 4 once ['REGION_BOX3D', 'TIDAL_QE_2D', 'VERTICAL_FUNC... /glade/scratch/hannay/archive/

11103 rows × 8 columns